March 14, 2024
What does your horoscope have in store for your today ? Free daily horoscope and astrology to find out what the stars have aligned for you on your work, life, work-life balance, health, love, body and more.
Mar 21 - Apr 19Rather than reaching for your phone to check messages and social media, consider taking a quiet approach to the morning. Consider indulging in a cat nap or silent meditation session. You’ll feel more alert and ready to socialise.
Apr 20 - May 20Dear Taurus, give yourself the opportunity to find support by pursuing community remembering that strength can be found in numbers. Slow down to connect with the present moment focusing on cultivating personal structures geared toward success.
May 21 - Jun 20Lean into your spirituality when challenges arise, looking at each bump in the road as an opportunity. You’ll feel more in control, especially when you seize the day by implementing new structures to stay on track.
Jun 21 - Jul 22Don’t waste your time pandering to negativity or petty competition. Instead, seek to establish a community that’s built on good mutual support. Spend some time getting lost in your thoughts as moments of enlightenment could follow.
Jul 23 - Aug 22Loved ones may throw up walls without much explanation this morning. Try not to push against these sudden boundaries, opting to pull back and find your own bearings instead. Daydream about your own path toward transformation and success.
Aug 23 - Sep 22Try not to be discouraged if your plans haven’t panned out as you envisioned. Rather than succumbing to frustrations, use this energy to recalibrate while getting organised. Spend some time basking in romance or self-care later today.
Sep 23 - Oct 22Avoid games in favour of seeking self-improvement and getting organised within personal goals. Spend a few moments dissolving stress with your favourite wellness practices. The day offers empowerment when you work with confidence-boosting activities.
Oct 23 - Nov 21Watch out for moodiness within yourself and loved ones this morning, dear Scorpio. Allow creative visions to take you on a journey looking for artistic ways to express yourself. A change of heart may be in order.
Nov 22 - Dec 21Avoid speaking impulsively if your words could be mistaken as criticism. A romantic energy finds you tonight, opening the door toward deep conversation. Don’t be afraid to share what’s in your heart, especially with that special someone.
Dec 22 - Jan 19Steer clear of stubborn or drama-prone companions today. You’ll feel elevated in the presence of positive influences encouraging you to go where you can be authentic and free. Your pragmatic side takes centre stage at night.
Jan 20 - Feb 18A surreal energy coats around you, helping you find beauty and comfort in the mundane. This energy also pairs well with personal pampering from the comfort of home. You’ll feel more spritely tonight, unleashing the playful self.
Feb 19 - Mar 20Avoid spilling secrets that don’t belong to you.Though it may be tempting to bond over hidden information, it would be a mistake to betray the trust of a friend. Consider talking about your own hopes and ambitions.